How to Follow-Up After Interviewing for a Job

How to Follow-Up After Interviewing for a Job
November 17, 2017 Tips & Trends

It’s important to follow up with the hiring manager after a job interview. By following up, you will remind the interviewer that you’re a strong candidate for the job and you are strengthening the fact that you’re qualified and should be given serious consideration.

Here is some advice on how to follow up after a job interview.

1. Ask About Next Steps.

At the end of the conversation, ask the interviewer “When do you expect to make a decision.” If the interviewer answers a specific date, like “By Monday,” then it’s OK to contact the interviewer on Tuesday or a few days after that date. Do not push too hard because that will be really annoying.

2. Express Your Thanks.

Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Then reiterate your interest in the job and the company. Express your thanks by letter, email or call. This will show that you care enough about the job. And it will also be an opportunity to highlight your relevant skills that are specific to the job requirement.

3. Slip in Details You Forgot to Say.

If there’s something you had wished you’d shared during the interview, do it now. It’s time to slip in important details. The details may help persuade the interviewer that you are qualified to the job.

4. Do Not Hesitate.

Send your thank you note within 24 hours of the interview. Seize the time, seize the chance. You’d be quick when doing job searching.

5. If You Don’t Get the Job, Thanks Anyway.

If you don’t get the job, it’s smart to send one last email thanking the interviewers for their time and consideration. By the way, you can ask if it’s OK for them to share any feedback. With feedback, you can know where you are weak in. Strengthen your weakness; then you may get next job!
