How to Ace a Skype Interview

How to Ace a Skype Interview
December 07, 2017 Tips & Trends

Skype interviews are becoming more common in today's workforce because interviewing through Skype costs less and is more efficient. However, for employees, remote interviews are harder to prepare for than regular ones. Here are our top 8 Skype interview tips:

1. Don't Make Excuses.

When asked to interview over Skype, you should find a way to make it work, even if it's not convenient. Don't have Skype? Download one, create an account, then email your interviewer back with a yes and your username.

2. Practice It First.

An old saying " Practice makes perfect". Practice before the skype interview, image the troubles appearing during the process, and try to solve the problems.

3. Join The Family.

When trying to nail a remote interview, your score increases if you know the company culture well. Do your search or just telephone the HR to get how their employees dress and behave. Then take some time to polish up. Now you look more professional and confident.

4. Make Sure Your Username Is Professional.

You'd better use your actual name, because people may get confused by your different or inappropriate names.

5. Dress The Part.

Wear whatever you would wear to an in-person interview. This will help you feel like you're at an in-person interview.

6. Prepare Your Surroundings.

What's behind you matters a lot. It's no need to share too much information, a blank or neutral background is best, with a well-organized desktop. Be sure not to be interrupted. Tell others to steer clear, and turn off any notifications on your computer as well as on your phone.

7. Use A Headset.

Your computer will pick up a lot of background noise. With a headset, the interviewers can hear you more clearly and with less distracting background noises. And the same to you.

8. Maintain Eye Contact.

Place your laptop higher to get the camera at eye-level. Make some eye contact during the interview which can make you seem all the more present and personable.
