Answering the Dreaded Weakness Interview Question

Answering the Dreaded Weakness Interview Question
December 25, 2017 Tips & Trends

When you think you've got the job, the interviewer asks: what's your greatest weakness? Depressed, anxious, and scared? If you are not prepared, it can make you uneasy. Here are several strategies for handling the Weakness interview question:

1. First of All, Be Honest.

You can't pretend like you've got no weaknesses. You are a human, and human got weaknesses. An ideal candidate won't lie about their weaknesses. So be honest, and state some weakness that won't affect the future job.

2. Avoid General Statements.

You want to minimize the reach and scope of what you reveal. So try to provide a specific situation in which your weakness might surface or be problematic. You must be specific in what you share, or the interviewer will imagine the worst.

3. Talk About Weaknesses That Don't Matter To the Job.

Talk about minor weaknesses that won't interfere with the duties of the job you are trying to land. Choose your weakness that is NOT essential for the position. Review the job description carefully and steer clear of skills and expertise directly related to the role you want.

4. Talk About The Steps You're Taking to Address It.

This is the most important part of the best answer to the question. Instead of talking about any current weaknesses, talk about the work that you put in to make this weakness less of a problem. In advance, give some clear examples of how you succeed or are on your way to succeeding.

There is no single best answer to all the interview questions, so I can't tell you word-for-word what you should say in specific instances. But if you stick to the above strategies, you can come across as a self-aware, reflective, and thoughtful professional.
