7 Things You Should Never Do at a job interview

7 Things You Should Never Do at a job interview
December 01, 2017 Tips & Trends

Before an interview, you may probably search the internet for what you can do during the interview, but seldom search for what you can't do. However, what you can do and what you can't do is equally important. Following are the several tips on what you shouldn't do during the interview.

1. Turn Up Late.

If you turn up late, you will leave the interviewers an impression of unprofessional and unorganized. To avoid being late, use your trusty GPS device to plan your route in advance, and always add extra time onto your expected journey time, just in case.

2. Answer the Phone.

Answering a call or text in the middle of an interview is never an option. It will ruin the job interview fastly. Always remember to turn everything off before you go in. At the very least, leave it on silent.

3. Be Arrogant and Overconfident.

It's OK to be confident in your abilities, but don't overdo it. Wanting the job is quite different from seeming entitled to it.

4. Dress too Casually.

When in doubt, it's always better to be overdressed than underdressed. Ask the person arranging the interview what you are expected to wear. Try your dress on beforehand, make sure everything fits, and sort out any accessories.

5. Moan about Your Current Employer.

Avoid the temptation to express how much you dislike your current boss, or complain about your colleagues, and be as positive as possible. Remember that bad mouthing won't reflect any good on you.

6. Lie.

Lying during the interview is definitely no. Once get caught, the hiring managers will immediately remove you from consideration. Be honest about your achievements and experience, and it will work in your favor.

7. Fail to Make Eye Contact.

It seems like that you are trying to hide something if you fail to make eye contact. That will make you untrustworthy. Therefore, you should show respect on both sides and show your confidence in what you have to say.
