6 Things to Leave Off Your Resume

6 Things to Leave Off Your Resume
December 15, 2017 Tips & Trends

Knowing what to leave off your resume can be as important as knowing what to put on it.

Following are 6 things to leave off your resume:

1. Irrelevant Information.

Including irrelevant job experiences or extraneous accomplishments tells your potential employer that you do not understand what they are looking for, and then the employer may leave your resume and move on.

2. Overused Fancy Fonts and Colors.

You can conservatively use color to make your resume visually different from the sea of documents the recruiter will review. This way your resume can stand out against the many black and white documents and draw the recruiter's eye. However, if you overdo it, your resume will be eliminated.

3. An Email Address from Your Current Employer.

It’s a poor habit to run your job search through your company’s email system. Because using your current work email address on a resume is like telling people that “I job search on company time!”. It will show the recruiter that you do not concentrate on work and you are not a responsible employee.

4. Old Experience.

It’s not necessary to contain all your work experience, especially experience from the distant past. Make sure that every statement on your resume lead the employer to the conclusion that you have the right qualification for the job.

5. Unrelated Interests.

Make sure that your interest list is relevant to your potential role and not just a space filler. Removing any unrelated interests will indicate your focus and dedication to the role. Also, make sure your interests are not worse, offensive ones.

6. Long Paragraphs without Bullets.

Paragraphs tend to be boring to read, and it will lose the reader’s patience. With bullets, your statements become more powerful. And bullets, of course, save some time!
